Wastewater Pumping

Anthropogenics, a modern term, refers to significant human impacts on the environment, with wastewater being one such impact. EETS engineers skillfully design controls and processes for effluent disinfection, pumping station rehabilitation, clarifier modification, and SCADA instrumentation controls, ensuring that all work meets or exceeds regulatory guidelines.


Wastewater Pumping Projects

Douglas County, California

Douglas County Sewer Irrigation District (DCSID) Main Pump Station

In 2005, the DCSID Main Pump Station and Treatment Plant experienced a line rupture due to the obsolescence of the existing force main. DCSID requested EETS engineers to design a new force main to serve as the primary sewage flow pathway, while retaining the existing obsolete system exclusively for emergency and maintenance situations. This
task was part of the Redundant Force Main Project, which included energy recovery from the effluent force main, equalization basins, STPUD intertie, retrofitting of the main lift station, reservoir lining, and evaluation of the effluent force main. The complete scope of EETS’s work included the following:
In 2005, the DCSID Main Pump Station and Treatment Plant experienced a line rupture due to the obsolescence of the existing force main. DCSID requested EETS engineers to design a new force main to serve as the primary sewage flow pathway, while retaining the existing obsolete system exclusively for emergency and maintenance situations. This task was part of the Redundant Force Main Project, which included energy recovery from the effluent force main, equalization basins, STPUD intertie, retrofitting of the main lift station, reservoir lining, and evaluation of the effluent force main. The complete scope of EETS’s work included the following:

Manteca, California

Manteca Industrial Pipeline

Eckert Cold Storage needed a pipeline to divert its industrial wastewater to a separate collection and disposal system. This pipeline would route Eckert’s wastewater around the City’s sanitary sewer collection system and bypass Manteca’s Wastewater Quality Control Facility (WQCF) for direct disposal
onto City farmland. The project included adding a 6MGD secondary effluent storage pond, a subsurface drainage system, a new pump station with new electrical service, floating mechanical aerators with a control system, industrial piping, motor control valves, and a new access platform. Additionally, a new wet well pump station was installed to aid in the distribution of the effluent.
Eckert Cold Storage needed a pipeline to divert its industrial wastewater to a separate collection and disposal system. This pipeline would route Eckert’s wastewater around the City’s sanitary sewer collection system and bypass Manteca’s Wastewater Quality Control Facility (WQCF) for direct disposal onto City farmland. The project included adding a 6MGD secondary effluent storage pond, a subsurface drainage system, a new pump station with new electrical service, floating mechanical aerators with a control system, industrial piping, motor control valves, and a new access platform. Additionally, a new wet well pump station was installed to aid in the distribution of the effluent.
EETS engineers performed the electrical design of the wastewater treatment facilities/pump station:

Courtland & Walnut Grove, California

Courtland-Walnut Grove Pump Stations

This project by the Sacramento County Sanitation District (CSD1) consists of two pump stations and a force main sewer pipe that transports wastewater flow from the Courtland Wastewater Treatment Plant to facilities near the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center. The lift stations are situated in Courtland at the WTP and near Walnut Grove.
Courtland new facilities include:
Walnut Grove new facilities include:

Sacramento, California

Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District – Cordova Pump Station

This project was a major refurbishment of 10MGD sewage pump station for the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District:

Oakwood Lake Water District (OLWD)

Oakwood Lake Water District (OLWD) Wastewater Pumping Plant

The Oakwood Lake Water District provides wastewater services to the Oakwood Shores subdivision and the Oakwood Lake Mobile Home Park. EETS was contracted to perform the following tasks to accommodate the increase in load and optimize the operation of the facility: