Water Distribution & Pumping
It may sound simple: just send water from its source to where it is needed. However, in reality, water conveyance involves transporting specific quantities of raw water through water “highways” — such as pipelines, canals, and levees — to water treatment and filtration facilities and pumping stations before it enters the finished water distribution systems. EETS boasts twenty-five years of experience in water conveyance and pumping facilities and has worked on numerous projects in this field.
Water Distribution Projects
Bureau of Reclamation
Tracy Main Pumping Plant

Water in the Delta is lifted 197 feet into the Delta-Mendota Canal. Each of the six (6) 22,500HP pumps/motors at the Tracy Main Pumping Plant has the capacity to pump 767 cubic feet per second, powered by the Central Valley Project power plants. EETS spearheaded the engineering design for this design-build project:
- Four (4) new 13.8kV switchgear and controls for the Tracy pumping facility consisting of (6) 22,500HP pumps and auxiliaries
- Project involved staging cutover and removal of existing switchgear while maintaining plant operation
- Installation of new line reactors for each serving transformer
- Integration of new switchgear and control boards to existing motor control and excitation system for all six motors
- Integration of new controls with existing WAPA facilities
Diablo Grande Raw
Water Pump Stations Patterson, California

Upgrade the capacity of the existing four raw water lift stations from 1 MGD to 2 MGD. All four stations, with a total pumping capacity of 2,600 HP, operate in series to lift raw water 2,800 feet from the canal to the water treatment plant.
- New facilities for each lift station included:
- Addition of emergency generators and automatic transfer switches
- Replacement of existing and installation of new VFDs
- Addition of VFD water cooling, HVAC, lighting, and security
- AB Control Logix PLC and instrumentation upgrades
- Implementation of lift station wet well level interlocking and treatment plant control pacing of raw water pumps
- Design power, control, instrumentation, and security system for new upper pressure zone pump station (500HP) and storage reservoir (10MG).
- HMI implementation for raw water and finish water distribution systems – AB RSView HMI platform located at water treatment plant:
- Dual HMI RSView SE Servers
- RSBizware Historical Database Server
- Engineering Laptop with RSView ME
- AB Control Logix PLC serving as communications manager
- Addition of emergency generators and automatic transfer switches for all stations; design and refurbishment of VFD s for all stations; addition of air conditioning and water cooling/filtration; power, control/instrumentation design; intrusion detection; lighting/security design; MI implementation for raw water and finish water distribution systems – ABC Control Logix and CompactLogix PLC-based distributed control for communication via Ethernet radio with repeater station and internet broadband VPN over fiber to raw water pump station:
- (4) raw water pump stations
- (2) upper pressure zone pumping stations
- (2) upper pressure zone reservoirs
- (3) irrigation storage ponds
- Addition of emergency generators and automatic transfer switches for all stations; design and refurbishment of VFD for all stations; addition of air conditioning and water cooling and filtration; power, control and instrumentation design; intrusion detection, lighting and security design:
- Station 1 with (2) each 350HP pumps
- Stations 2 & 3 with (2) each 300HP pumps
- Station 4 with (2) each 300HP pumps and (1) each 125HP pump
Coachella Valley Water District
Mid Valley Pump Station Coachella, California

- Design of new 60MGD (2800HP) pump station with 12kV primary service
- 4.16kV medium voltage SS soft start motor controllers
- 5-miles of 48″ pipeline and surge suppression system:
- (2) 800HP, 4160V
- (2) 400HP, 4160V
- (2) 200HP, 4160V
Princeton, Codora, Glenn Water District
Provident Irrigation District Pump Station Colusa County, California

Colusa County, California
SemiTropic Water Storage District P-384 Distribution System

The P-384 Distribution System is a component of the Stored Water Recovery Unit/Groundwater Banking Program, valued at over $100 million. It comprises a 2700HP canal-side pumping plant, a 700HP booster pumping plant, and 22 miles of pipelines with diameters ranging from 78 inches down to 15 inches. EETS designed a new influent pump station for the system, consisting of:
- (3) 600HP, 4.16kV pumps
- (2) 300HP, 4.16kV pumps
- (1) 150HP, 4.16kV pumps
- (2) 75HP, 4.16kV pumps
- (2) 200HP, 480V pumps
- (3) 100HP, 480V pumps
- (2) 50HP, 480V pumps